Tag Archive for: #credit score

Hard Money: Why You Have Nothing To Fear

Hard Money: Why You Have Nothing To Fear

Today we are going to discuss why you have nothing to fear when it comes to using hard money. Many believe that hard money lenders are loan sharks who are waiting to take their property from them. However, this could not be further from the truth! Hard money is there for the right investor and for the right property. It can help investors out when other lending options are not meeting their needs. No need to fear! Let’s take a closer look!

What is hard money?

Hard money is based on a hard asset and is not typically based on your income or credit. There is no need to fit into a box either. Hard money is an excellent choice because it may be in a second, third, or even a cross lien on the property. Don’t let the misconceptions prevent you from taking advantage of one of the most flexible lending options available! Just to clarify, a hard money loan is typically referred to as a bridge loan. A bridge loan is a short term loan that is used to quickly get you from where you are to where you’re going quickly. Normally these loans can range from 3 to 12 months.

Flexibility at a better rate!

In many instances, a hard money loan will have a better rate than a traditional loan. This is due to the fact that there is little competition for us as hard money lenders. There are very few people who do this, and there are more people who are looking for hard money. All of the lenders want in return is their money back and the interest on the borrowed amount. Do you need a loan that will fit your unique needs? Hard money loans will provide you not only the flexibility to meet your unique needs, but a better rate as well.

Protection for the investor and the lender.

One of our main goals is to make sure that everyone is protected throughout the process when providing a hard money loan. This includes having loan docs, liens, and everything in between to ensure that it is all written out correctly. Here at Hard Money Mike we also make sure that there is a third party involved in the process. In doing so, it will not only protect the customer, but the lender as well. 

Hard money vs traditional loans.

A traditional loan looks at three factors when investors apply for a loan. These factors include credit score, loan to value, and income. Let’s take a closer look.

Credit Score:

In regards to traditional lenders, if you don’t have a good credit score, you are kicked out. Hard money on the hand doesn’t take into consideration your credit score. Instead, they look at your credit to make sure that you are paying off your debt in a timely fashion.  


Hard money lenders are also not concerned about your income or if the property is making money. Instead, their main concern is whether or not you have good security for the loan. 

Down Payment:

Another thing we need to take into consideration is the down payment. If you bought a house for $200K, but it is worth $300K, then you got a good deal in the eyes of a hard money lender. Traditional lenders on the other hand are not interested in it being a good deal. They will only lend based on what the property is worth.


There are very few lenders who are going to do a second, third, multiple cross liens, or land purchases. Here at Hard Money Mike we call it the 911 credit score. We are giving people a private loan to pay off their credit cards by putting a  lien on a property. This in turn allows them to get their credit score up, and can result in a better loan later on. 

Getting our money back.

Another thing that we need to take inconsideration is whether or not we will get our money back in a timely manner. We don’t want to be involved in a transaction where someone can’t pay us back. This would unfortunately result in a legal process. Therefore, we want to make sure that we set both of us up for success. Keep in mind that as long as you have a good deal, good property, and a good exit strategy, a hard money loan is the easiest loan to get. 

We are here to help!

Hard money loans provide the flexibility you need without having to navigate the rigid criteria of traditional lenders. Contact us today to find out more about hard money and how it can help you get on the path to success. 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about Hard Money: Why You Have Nothing To Fear.

DSCR Loans: Is Your Credit Score Killing Your Approval Rate?

DSCR Loans: Is Your Credit Score Killing Your Approval Rate?

Many investors wonder whether or not their credit score is killing their approval rate for a DSCR loan. The answer is yes! Here at Hard Money Mike we see a lot of clients who are struggling with their credit scores and need them fixed. It is amazing how many clients are only 1 to 10 points away from either getting a loan or getting better terms. One of the biggest contributing factors is credit score usage. How can you increase your approval rate? Let’s take a closer look.

The importance of reviewing credit score usage.

Here at Hard Money Mike we require that customers use a simulator first. This simulation can be done through MyFico, Experian, Credit Karma, and shows how your credit score will change if credit cards are paid down or paid off. How can you pay off your credit card debt quickly and easily when you are looking at using a DSCR? The answer is a usage loan. Most investors have used their credit cards to make personal purchases, buy information or training materials, or rehab expenses on personal credit cards. In doing so it not only drives up their balance, but it also drives down their score. This usage problem affects 7 out of 10 investors because they are using personal credit instead of business credit. 

Get into a better long term loan today!

First and foremost investors need to address the areas where their credit score is impacting them the most. They can then pay it down by using another loan in order to boost the credit score quickly and easily. By running a simulation first, investors can see the areas that are impacting their credit score the most. Our main goal is to help investors get into a better long term loan. A DSCR loan is based on your credit score and the income made on the property. If your credit score is low, it will in turn affect your income because you are at a higher rate. As a result of the higher rate, it can often kill your approval rate because the amount could go above the break even point. Don’t let low credit scores ruin your chance to succeed in real estate investing. 

What exactly is a usage loan?

A usage loan is a private loan that is secured with a property in order to guarantee repayment. This loan is used to pay off either all or part of your credit debt in order to increase your credit score. Again, this is where the simulator comes into play. It helps us to determine what needs to be removed from your credit in order to increase your overall credit score. Once the credit card statements cycle, the information is reported to the credit bureaus. This is what will impact your score. For example, we had a client in Detroit who was able to drop his DSCR rate by 2 points in a matter of weeks because he was able to increase his credit score. 

Make the move to business credit cards today.

If you are one of the many investors who are struggling with credit score usage, have no fear. Once you get your credit score under control with the usage loan, and get the DSCR loan that you need. After that, you can then begin the switch over to business credit cards. Business credit cards are the same as personal credit cards, however, they do not show up on your personal credit. If you are new to real estate investing it is important to make this process easier and more profitable from the very beginning. This can be done by setting up your LLC, getting business credit cards, and making sure that your lenders are in line. Those who take the time to set themselves up correctly will have lower rates, better terms, and the LTV will get better as a result.

We can help you build wealth by accumulating assets. 

Here at Hard Money Mike we want to help you succeed in real estate investing. Build the wealth you want by accumulating assets today! Higher credit scores will allow you to qualify for the properties you need for your success. Those who are able to accumulate assets at the best rates possible will create opportunities to build their wealth quickly and easily. Is a usage loan right for you? Contact us today to find out more! 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about DSCR Loans: Is Your Credit Score Killing Your Approval Rate?

How to Raise Credit Scores in 30 Days or Less

Everyone in real estate investing knows the power of credit scores. But how can you raise credit scores quickly so you don’t miss out on deals?

The best part of real estate investing is that anyone from anywhere can begin building wealth if they know how to use leverage.

One of the biggest pieces of leverage in an investor’s toolbox is their credit score.

Your credit score can be the difference between a deal that makes you rich and a deal that puts you in debt. With a good score, you’ll likely find better terms, rates, and points.

However, if you’re struggling with a low credit score, what can you do to fix it? And how long is that going to take?

Identifying the Problem

If you’re using your personal credit card to cover the expenses of real estate investing, chances are you have a usage issue.

Your credit score is calculated based on the balance between two items: 1) available funds, and 2) how much of those funds you’re using (usage). If you’re constantly using all—or nearly all—of the available funds, credit companies see you as a risky investor. This lowers your score.

If this sounds like you, that’s great news! There are fairly painless ways to fix usage issues.

Unfortunately, if your score is low because you’ve struggled with late payments, there is no quick fix for that. Only time can remedy the damage caused by bad payment history.

A Quick Fix to Raise Credit Scores: Usage Loans

A usage loan pays off your credit card, transferring the balance to a private loan that doesn’t report to your credit score.

Many companies and individuals, including us, offer usage loans, and we’re happy to talk about your options at Hard Money Mike.

Usage loans have a near-instant affect on your credit score. You’ll see the change as soon as the next report processes. If you want to see how much your credit score could change if you pursued a usage loan, you can use tools on sites like Experian or Credit Karma.

If your score is low, and you’re convinced that the next deal will fix everything, here’s our advice:

Don’t play credit roulette.

Don’t put your credit score at risk while you wait for the next deal to go through. Get ahead by protecting your credit score with a usage loan.

A Long Term Fix: Business Credit Cards

Once you revive your credit score with a usage loan, what can you do to protect your score long term?

It’s pretty simple: Transfer your real estate investing to business credit cards.

Business credit cards (if you find a good one) won’t report on your credit score. Additionally, because their purpose is different, credit card companies sometimes reward high usage on business accounts even though they penalize private accounts for the same activity.

You still need to pay off these cards on time. But as long as you’re doing that, you protect your personal credit score from jeopardizing your deals.

To learn more about business credit cards or how to find the right one for you, check out our sister company, The Cash Flow Company.

We Can Help

If you want to explore a usage loan or have questions about how to raise credit scores, feel free to reach out to us at Info@HardMoneyMike.com.

We’re always happy to walk you through your options. Our goal is to help you find the right loans and solutions that fit your needs.

Happy investing!

How to Raise Your Credit Score with Hard Money

If you’re struggling with knowing how to raise your credit score, it might be time to check out a hard money usage loan.

Real estate investing is all about creative wealth using available leverage (other people’s money in the form of bank loans, hard money, etc.) to make a profit. It’s an accessible and lucrative field for first-time investors. 

However, a bad credit score can change the game.

Especially if you’re looking for larger, traditional loans, a bad credit score can immediately disqualify you from consideration.

But there is good news! Hard money (sometimes called “private money”) can save the day. 

The Cost of a Bad Score

A bad credit score (anything below 670 is often considered “poor”) can lower the quality of deals you find. If they do approve you for a loan, a bank will likely ask for an additional 10-20% down. 

You might be stuck with higher rates on a DSCR loan.

At worst, you won’t be approved for a loan at all.

This is both frustrating and very expensive.

How do Credit Scores Work?

Your FICO score is essentially based off of 5 categories:

You’ll notice that the vast majority (over 2/3rds) of the score comes down to just 2 components:

  1. Payment History
  2. Amounts Owed (Usage)

If your score is low because of payment history, then there isn’t much we can do to fix that with a hard money loan. That’s a problem that takes time to resolve.

However, if your score is low because of the usage, hard money can provide a very quick fix that can raise your score in as little as 14 days.

What is Credit Usage?

Credit usage (that Amounts Owed section) measures the ratio of total money you could use with how much you do use

Essentially, if you have a total available balance of $1,000 and you’re constantly maxing out that credit card, then you have 100% usage.

Credit card companies typically like to see usage around 30%. If you’re new to the investment game and you don’t have constant cash flow from current properties, it can be really tricky to have optimal credit usage.

How to Raise Your Credit Score Using Hard Money

You can use a hard money usage loan to pay off your credit card. 

This lowers your usage percentage almost instantly which in turn boosts your credit score. Because hard money loans move quickly, you could see your credit score go up in only a few weeks—we’re only waiting for the next statement to be processed!

Once that credit score is back above 700, you shouldn’t have a problem getting your next necessary loan and getting a good deal.

You should also consider opening a 0% business credit card.

The Cash Flow Company encourages moving expenses to business credit cards. This protects those higher real estate investment expenses from reporting on your personal credit score. 

Reach Out if You Need a Usage Loan!

At Hard Money Mike, we offer secure usage loans for investors looking to fix their credit scores.

Also, make sure to check out our free tools. Our loan calculators in particular can help you find the best loan options for your projects. It’s important to shop around as you invest and create wealth.

If you’re looking to raise your credit score fast, reach out to us at Mike@HardMoneyMike.com, and we’d be happy to discuss a deal.

How to Make Real Estate Financing Easier: Simple Way to Raise Credit Score Fast

Raise credit score fast with this simple investors’ trick.

New and seasoned investors alike prioritize one thing in real estate: financing.

Available, fast, cheap funds are key to a smooth career. And a high credit score is key to smooth financing.

We see investors make one key mistake that wrecks their credit score: they use personal credit cards for business expenses. This one mistake costs people tens of thousands of dollars in quality financing.

Let’s dive into this mistake and see what simple options you have to raise your credit score fast.

How We Help Raise Credit Scores Fast

Just this week we’ve closed two different loans to help clients raise their credit score.

They both needed long-term loans for the rental properties, but their scores were too low from the high usage on their personal credit cards.

We also just had an inquiry from another lender who’s looking for us to help their client pay off his credit cards so he could qualify for their loan.

What Causes a Low Score for Investors?

What causes this issue?

The #1 factor that determines credit score is payment history. On average, investors are responsible about timely payments. So what gives?

The #2 factor deciding credit score is your credit usage. This is the ratio between your current credit balance and your total credit limit. Investors often use personal cards to fund rehab on their projects, which rapidly raises their credit usage.

Let’s talk about the solution.

How to Raise Your Credit Score

If your problem is high usage, there are just a few steps you need to take that will drastically improve your credit score (and financing opportunities).

Firstly, you need to stop using your personal credit cards for business purposes. Treat your investments like a business. There’s no reason fix-up costs should impact your personal finances.

Secondly, get a usage loan to get your personal balances down now. When that money doesn’t report on your credit, your score improves almost immediately.

Lastly, open a business card to use for projects moving forward. Once your credit score is back in a good spot and you have a functioning LLC, apply for a business credit card. Balances on this card won’t reflect on your personal credit.

We’re happy to give you a hand at any step of this process.

How to Move Forward

Leverage is king in real estate. As the markets stay tight, interest rates stay high, and bigger institutions elbow their way into the lending space… Credit score only gets more important.

We don’t want to see a low credit score be the reason you don’t succeed in real estate.

If you need any guidance on your financing journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Want more info on business credit cards? Check out this video on our YouTube channel.

3 Ways Banks Trap Real Estate Investors in Pricey Loans (and How to Get Out)

Credit, banks, and real estate investors: 3 traps and how to avoid them. 

As a real estate investor, you always want to minimize costs. This includes the costs of the money itself.

However, banks can trap real estate investors into paying more than they should. You could be paying 1-4% more in rates, 5-10% more on down payments, or could even be denied altogether.

These three traps all come back to what we call the usage circle. Let’s talk about what the usage circle is and how it affects real estate investors.

The Usage Cycle: How Banks Trap Real Estate Investors

Here’s how the usage circle goes:

  • A real estate investor uses their credit cards to keep a project going. They pay for materials, labor, expertise, and more on their cards.
  • They will pay the card off after the real estate transaction. When they close or refinance a deal, they’ll wipe the card back to zero.
  • But while they’re using the card, their credit score will drop. When they pay off the card, their score will go back up.
  • Banks still use the current, low credit score when they give you the loan.

And there’s the trap.

Using credit to buy the stuff that keeps your business going pulls down your credit score. But with a bad credit score, you can’t get the loans to keep your business going.

How Credit Usage Impacts Loans

Usage makes up 30% of your FICO credit score. When an investor is using a lot of their available credit, their score takes the hit.

The difference between a 679 and a 680 score can mean the difference between getting a conforming conventional investor loan or getting declined.

You’ll pay off your credit once you sell or refinance your investment property and your score will go back up. Banks know this, but they can’t take it into account. They have to use your current credit score when you apply – even if it’s only low because of high usage on business costs.

Here’s how banks leave real estate investors trapped in this way.

1. Higher Interest Rates or Loan Costs

If your credit score is down due to high usage, you’ll end up paying an extra 1-4% either on your interest rate or loan costs. On a $400,000 project, this can add up to an extra $4,000 to $16,000 just for one transaction.

2. More Money Down

Banks may require you to put down 5-10% more on a property if your credit score is low. On a $400,000 transaction, this means you’ll have to bring an extra $40,000 out of your pocket. This unexpected cost could prevent you from doing the deal in the first place.

3. Loan Denial

Banks may decline a real estate investor’s loan if their credit score is even just one point below the bank’s guidelines. If you can’t get a loan, you’ll be locked out from getting a rental property, flip, or other investment opportunities.

Solution to the Banks’ Real Estate Investor Credit Problem

The credit score usage trap is real. It happens to almost 80% of the clients that we see.

The solution to avoiding the credit score usage trap is simple: stop using your personal credit cards for business use. If your credit usage is in your business’s name, then it won’t impact your personal credit score.

Here’s the method we recommend.

How to Move Your Credit Usage from a Personal to a Business Credit Card

If you have an LLC set up, you’re already working as a business, and your usage is impacting your personal credit score, then you can move the debt.

You can pay off the credit card balances using a private loan. This usually looks like having a family member or friend provide the funds.*

Then, you let the credit cycle through 30-90 days to allow your score to go back up. Once your score is settled, you can apply for a business credit card and move the balances over.

*If you don’t have someone you can ask for a private loan to do this, reach out to us. We do this type of loan all the time for our clients. We don’t want credit to be the reason you can’t flourish in your real estate investing career.

Stop the Banks’ Usage Cycle Trap for Real Estate Investors

It’s important to choose the right credit card. Some business cards do still show up on your personal credit. Do not choose this card – it defeats the whole purpose!

Not sure which card to pick? We have a link on our website to a business card that we use ourselves and highly recommend. If you get it, we’ll give you $250 off the next loan you do with us.

Tricks and tools like this are what set apart successful investors. Don’t let credit and banks trap you in pricey loans!

Happy Investing.

Text: How your credit score impacts cash flow"

How Does Your Credit Score Impact Your Cash Flow?

Rates and cash flow depend on your credit score. Here’s just how much:

Let’s look at an example with real numbers to get a picture of just how seriously your can credit score impact cash flow on your real estate investments.

Comparing Interest Rates

Pretend you have a $300,000 loan. And you were able to get a 6% interest rate – a normal rate for today. Your monthly payment would be around $1,800.

But, for every 10 to 20 points your credit score lowers, your rate increases. This raises your monthly payments by $100 to $200.

So with a low score, you’d only be able to get a 9% rate on that $300,000 loan. You’d be giving $615 every month straight to the bank. That’s money other investors will be able to use to re-invest.

Chart showing your interest payment depending on your rate for a $300,000 loan

Interest Rates Over the Life of the Loan

This interest story gets worse when we consider the full life of the loan.

The person with a 6.5% interest rate pays a little under $1,200 per year in interest, or around $35,000 for the full 30-year loan.

The person with 9% pays over $7,300 yearly, and over $221,000 over the course of the loan!

Chart showing your yearly and 30-year interest payments depending on your rate for a $300,000 loan

We can take this example out further.

Let’s say we have a portfolio of 10 properties, not just one, each with $300,000 loans.

At 6.5%, you’ll spend almost $350,000 over 30 years between the interest of all the loans. At 9%, you’d pay $73,800 per year on interest alone for your portfolio. As a result, you’d shell out a grand total of $2.2 million in interest in 30 years.

Chart showing your total interest payments over the life of 10 $300,000 loans, depending on your rate.

Cash Flow & Credit Score Conclusion

As you can see, a low credit score is a major disadvantage. Properties that would cash flow for someone else, won’t for you. Your debt-to-income could disqualify you for DSCR loans. Your score itself can disqualify you for many other loans.

Look at the impact of your credit score on cash flow. Keep more money to do what you love and give less to the banks in the form of interest.

Above all other investment goals: raise your credit score.

If you need to work with a credit specialist to get everything in line, it’ll be worth your time. Do it ASAP – now is the time to get prepared as a real estate investor. Because in 2023, prices will come down, and you don’t want to miss those opportunities.

Read the full article here.

Watch the video here:


The Ultimate Guide To Credit During a Recession

Take a peek behind the curtain at what your loan officers know about credit during a recession.

One thing’s for certain with the oncoming recession in 2022: your credit score will change everything for your real estate investment career. 

Lenders are changing all loan rates and requirements. Loan amounts are down. Interest rates are up.

In inflationary times, central banks tighten money by raising federal interest rates in an attempt to reduce inflation. Lenders and brokers get a new set of rules they have to abide by during a recession. 

Let’s look at some examples of the “new rules” loan officers and underwriters are looking at. We’ll see what credit score you need, and how your credit will impact the type of loan you can get.

Credit’s Impact on Loans for Real Estate Investing During a Recession: The Charts

Loan officers look at a scale while pricing out a loan. They get this chart from the underwriters, and this becomes the basis for the loan.

These scales show the LTVs and interest rates an investor could get based on their credit score.

National Hard Money Lender Credit Chart During a Recession

Here’s an example of a scale for a national hard money lender:

Chart showing the interest rates you'd get with different LTVs at different credit scores.

A minimum acceptable credit score used to be 620. Now it’s 680. So now, from this hard money lender, anyone with a credit score from 620 to 679 no longer has an option.

LTVs have also taken a dive. Most lenders used to loan up to 90% of the cost of the property or ARV. Now, you’d be lucky to get 80%.

Rates are now sitting around 10%+. When LTVs were at 90%, the rates were in the mid-7s. This means rates have gone up almost 3% – just over the last 6 months.

There’s less money available in general. To get a piece of what little there is, you’ll need to maintain a higher credit score than before. Your credit has a deep impact on your loan options.

Traditional Bank Lenders Recession Credit Scale Example

Now let’s take a look at the traditional side, with longer-term loans:

Chart showing what credit scores and LTVs have no loans available.

This chart uses basis points. It equals to about .25%-.5% higher rate for the lower credit ranges/higher LTVs.

You can see that this traditional lender has also eliminated all options for anyone under a 680 credit score. In the recent past, a score of 640 to 679 could get you something, you’d just have to pay more. Now, you don’t even have options in that range.

Credit score matters if you want the best rate – or any leverage at all!

DSCR Loan Credit Requirements in a Recession

Lastly, let’s take a look at an example from a DSCR lender:

Chart showing which credit scores have no DSCR loans available.

Again, over the last 2-3 months, this lender has eliminated anything below a 680 score for a DSCR loan. 

For this DSCR, between a 680 and a 760, there’s a 1.125 point higher difference in rate for origination.

To get cheaper money during a recession takes a great credit score. To get any money at all takes a good one.

How Does Your Credit Impact Your Cash Flow and Deal Flow?

We’ve gone over a behind-the-scenes look at the grid of requirements from underwriters and lenders…

But how does it all affect you in practice? How does it impact your money coming in and money going out?

Lower Score, Higher Down Payments, Higher Interest

For credit scores below 680, if you can even get a loan, you can expect to put in 5-15%+ more than usual. 

Hard money loans that used to require 10% down at 680, now need up to 25%. So on a $200,000 deal, you’d now have to come up with $50,000.

More money into each deal means fewer deals (deal flow) and more money out-of-pocket (cash flow). To combat this, you may need to look into something like gap funding.

Additionally, you’ll be paying more in interest on your BRRRR rentals and flips. When a fix-and-flip has higher interest, your margins come down. When a BRRRR has higher interest, your cash flow comes down.

Focus on your credit. Your credit score has a direct relationship with your profits. A low score means more money is going out and less is coming in on your investments. A high score means less money is going out and more is coming in.

Example of Credit Score’s Impact on Rates and Cash Flow in a Recession

Let’s look at an example with real numbers to get a picture of just how seriously your credit score impacts cash flow on your real estate investments.

Comparing Interest Rates

Pretend you have a $300,000 loan. And say you were able to get a 6% interest rate – a normal rate for today. Your monthly payment is around $1,800.

Now, for every 10 to 20 points your credit score lowers, your rate increases. This increases your monthly payments by $100 to $200.

So with a low score, you’d only be able to get a 9% rate on that $300,000 loan. You’d be giving $615 every month straight to the bank. That’s money other investors will be able to use to re-invest.

Chart showing your interest payment depending on your rate for a $300,000 loan

Interest Rates Over the Life of the Loan

This interest story gets worse when we consider the full life of the loan.

The person with a 6.5% interest rate pays a little under $1,200 per year in interest, or around $35,000 for the full 30-year loan. 

The person with 9% pays over $7,300 yearly, and over $221,000 over the course of the loan!

Chart showing your yearly and 30-year interest payments depending on your rate for a $300,000 loan

We can take this example out further. 

Let’s say we have a portfolio of 10 properties, not just one. Ten properties, each with $300,000 loans. 

At 6.5%, you’ll spend almost $350,000 over 30 years between the interest of all the loans. At 9%, you shell out over $2.2 million in interest in 30 years.

Chart showing your total interest payments over the life of 10 $300,000 loans, depending on your rate.

Cash Flow Conclusion

A low credit score is a major disadvantage. Properties that would cash flow for someone else, won’t for you. Your debt-to-income could disqualify you for DSCR loans. Your score itself can disqualify you for many other loans.

Look at the impact of your credit score. Keep more money to do what you love and give less to the banks in the form of interest.

If you need to work with a credit specialist to get everything in line, it’ll be worth your time. Do it ASAP – now is the time to get prepared as a real estate investor. Because in 2023, prices will come down, and you don’t want to miss those opportunities.

Loan Options for Real Estate Investors with Bad Credit in a Recession

If you have bad credit, what are your options during a recession?

Understand Your Limitations

The products available to you with a bad score are 10% of what’s available to someone with a 700+ score. Understand the following limitations:

  • You’ll have to shop around more
  • You’ll pay more in down payments with LTVs 10-15% lower than other investors
  • You’ll pay 1-3% higher interest rates.
  • The question is no longer, “Do I want to do this deal?” but “Can I do a deal?”

Look at Unique Financing Opportunities

You may be able to look at unique ways to finance properties.

Subject tos or owner carries don’t look at your credit score. These deals don’t directly involve a lender or have an underwriting process – an owner just needs you to come in and take over payments. 

A unique opportunity like this can keep the ball rolling for your investment career while you raise your credit score.

No Substitute for a Good Score

As you saw before, some people would have to pay $2 million+ dollars extra on their portfolio, just because they didn’t take care of their credit.

You can look into other options, like subject tos, owner carries, and OPM, but first and foremost, focus on getting your credit score in the 700s.

How to Improve Your Score Quickly

There are a couple quick ways to improve your credit, depending on why your score is low.

  1. If high balances are your problem:

Many real estate flippers use their credit cards a lot, so they over-leverage everything. High balances impact 30% of your credit score. 

Try using private money to fix this problem. If you can borrow money from family or friends, use it to pay off your cards. Even just for 60 days, it can bump your score up because your usage and balance will go down. 

While your balances are temporarily lowered with private money, you can apply for your loans. Let your lenders know you have that debt, but it won’t impact your credit score for the time being.

  1. If length of credit is your problem:

Get authorized by a family or friend with good credit who will authorize you. You get to use their credit history on yours, which quickly bumps your credit.

Also, if you have a lot of credit cards and want to close one – don’t! Pay it off, then let it sit on your account unused. That history will keep accruing on your credit report, and it increases your available credit balance while lowering your usage.

  1. If your problem comes down to bad habits:

To be a real estate investor, you have to build good financial habits to build a solid foundation for your credit score. No way around it.

  1. If you’ve never been educated on credit:

More Tips to Raise Your Credit During a Recession

Download our free credit score checklist to start getting on top of your credit.

If you want more information about your credit score, you can watch these credit videos, or find other credit blogs on our website.

And if you have any lingering questions about credit and how it could impact your real estate leverage, reach out to us at HardMoneyMike.com.

Happy Investing.

Text: "Which hard money lenders check credit?"

Do Hard Money Lenders Check Credit?

A question for many beginner investors is: “Do hard money lenders check credit?”

The answer? Yes and no.

In the hard money lending world, there’s a big split in lenders’ approach to credit scores.

National Hard Money Lenders and Credit

On one hand, there’s the national lenders, the big hedge funds, the major institutions. For them, it’s all about credit and experience.

You end up being a number to these bigger companies – a data point. So they focus on the numbers that represent your success. The most important of these numbers is your credit score.

The larger the institution, the smaller the box they need you to fit in. So if you’re looking for money and your credit is below 680, you probably won’t fit in the box of national hard money lenders.

Local Hard Money Lenders

On the other hand, there’s smaller, local hard money companies. These local hard money lenders won’t check credit as the basis for the loan.

Most local hard money lenders look at you and your deal. They’ll want to know:

to see whether you have a good chance of making money from the deal.

If you’re investing while your credit score is lower, gear yourself toward these local lenders. There are plenty of these hard money lenders around – hundreds in the Denver market alone!

Read the full article here.

Watch the video here:

Text: "Don't Let Bad Credit Stop You!"

What Credit Score Do I Need to Invest in Real Estate? (And What If I Don’t Have It?)

What do you need to do to invest in real estate with a low credit score?

60% of the calls we gotten in 20+ years in real estate lending involve the question:

“What credit score do I need to invest?”

And unfortunately, there are a lot of beginner investors out there who need to work on their credit. But until they increase their credit score, how can they get money to start their real estate career?

Right now is a great opportunity to start. A good credit score is crucial to take advantage of the kind of market we haven’t seen for twelve years.

The credit score you need to invest in real estate depends on who you’re getting money from. Let’s take a look at some of your funding options with different credit scores.

Do Hard Money Lenders Check Credit?

First of all, a question for many beginner investors is: “Do hard money lenders check credit?”

Yes and no.

In the hard money lending world, there’s a big split in lenders’ approach to credit scores.

National Hard Money Lenders – Credit Scores to Invest in Real Estate

On one side, there’s the national lenders, the big hedge funds, the major institutions. For them, it’s all about credit and experience. 

You end up being a number to these bigger companies – a data point. So they focus on the numbers that represent your success. The most important of these numbers is your credit score.

The larger the institution, the smaller the box they need you to fit in. So if you’re looking for money and your credit is below 680, you probably won’t fit in the box of national hard money lenders.

Local Hard Money Lenders and Credit

On the other side, there’s smaller, local hard money companies. These local lenders won’t base their loans on your credit score.

Most local hard money lenders look at you and your deal. They’ll want to know:

to see whether you have a good chance of making money from the deal.

If you’re investing while your credit score is lower, gear yourself toward these local lenders. There are plenty of these hard money lenders around – hundreds in the Denver market alone!

What Do Hard Money Lenders Require?

Most local hard money lenders won’t credit check, but they will look at a few other things.

What do they look for? How do you know if you’re the type of person they want to lend money to?

What Hard Money Lenders Generally Require

Local hard money lenders look at a combination of information about you:

  • Your experience
  • Whether you’ve done flips or rental properties before
  • The success of your past investments
  • How many you’ve done in the past three to five years

And if you’re new to investing, lenders will want to see that you’re working with people – realtors, contractors, etc. – who do have good real estate investment experience.

Cash Requirements By Hard Money Lenders

Hard money lenders will also require some cash.

It might be 10-20% down. Or maybe your deal is so good they won’t require any money to be put into the property. Either way, most lenders will still want to see that you have a little cash accumulated.

This backup money is considered reserves. If an unexpected rehab cost comes up, your lender will want to be sure you could cover it.

Also, the lender will simply want to ensure that you can make your payments. They want to build a great relationship with their clients, which starts with choosing investors that will make the process smooth.

All small lenders want is to lend money, then get it back with interest. If you can prove you can make that process happen as simply as possible, any local lender would be happy to work with you.

Credit Score Requirements to Invest in Real Estate with Local Hard Money

Local hard money lenders might not require your credit score, but they’ll still check your credit.

Your credit report will give them an idea of your financial habits – who they’d be getting into a money relationship with. They’re mainly looking for a history of bankruptcy, foreclosure, or lack of payments.

Why don’t local hard money lenders require credit scores? Real estate investors are credit-dependent in a credit-driven industry. A lot of our clients use credit cards to cover the cost of flipping. These high card balances result in real estate investors tending to have lower credit scores.

How to Find Loans for Fix-and-Flips and BRRRRs

As an investor looking for money for a fix-and-flip, you might be getting squeezed out by rising credit score requirements. As the economy changes and lenders get tighter: Who do you reach out to? How do you get loans for fix and flips?

If your credit score is outside of the current credit score requirements for lenders, here are some tips on how to find loans for fix-and-flips.

Local Hard Money Lenders and OPM for Fix-and-Flip Loans

As we mentioned, local hard money lenders will be the most likely to get you real estate investment loans under current credit conditions.

But there’s another major way we recommend to fund your fix and flips, especially during this market: OPM.

Real, average people who want a better return on their money than they’d get with bonds or stocks will be willing to lend to you during this time. If you can show people you can secure their money, they’re likely to lend to you.

BRRRR with Low Credit Score to Invest in Real Estate

Typically, when you buy an undermarket rental, you use two loans: a hard money loan and a long-term refinance loan. If your credit score isn’t where it needs to be for banks, you’ll need to look into OPM for the longer term loan.

You could still get bank loans with a low credit score, but they’ll likely have higher down payments.

If a 720 score could get a loan that requires 20% down, a 640 score might only get you a loan if you can bring in 40%. OPM can cover that down payment cost, or any other gap in funding for a BRRRR or fix-and-flip loan.

Other Options Beyond Fix-and-Flips

With rising interest rates and lender requirements, it just might not be the right time for you to do fix-and-flips. What are some other options to focus your investment career on?

Owner carries and subject tos can be a great option in this upcoming market. These are ways to obtain properties without needing to qualify for a loan through a bank. The homeowner either lends you money to take over the property, or keeps the mortgage in their name while you make payments.

Subject tos and owner carries are important options to consider when your credit score to invest is low.

What Is Real Private Money?

We’ve mentioned it several times in this article, and now it’s time to really dig in. What is real OPM? How can you set up and use real private money?

OPM When You Don’t Have the Credit Score to Invest In Real Estate

OPM is a tried-and-true method to get money when you have a bad credit score. It’s fallen out of popularity a bit in the last few years because there had been a lot of money flooding in real estate. With money so easy to get from banks, many investors devalued the power of OPM.

We believe you should always have OPM lenders in your portfolio, but especially in a down market.

What Is Real OPM?

OPM lenders can be family, friends, or other people you may not even know personally. Real private money can come from anyone looking for a better return on a large chunk of money. As long as you take care of someone’s money, you can always find people who want a secured, asset-backed place for their cash.

Once you prove to be a competent investor, you can build strong OPM relationships. It can be as simple as calling up your lender, telling them about a deal, then getting the money exactly when you need it.

Now is a great time to start finding these people. Especially if you don’t have the right credit score to invest in real estate in more traditional ways.

Get The Credit Score You Need To Invest In Real Estate

If you got into investing recently, maybe you’re not quite sure what to do now that lenders have raised credit requirements. You can start by looking at:

  • small private lenders
  • OPM
  • alternative investment methods like subject tos and owner carries.

But your number one goal should always be to raise your credit score. Raising your credit score to invest in real estate will automatically open up options for you, even as things are tightening overall. And the faster, easier, and cheaper you can find the money, the more you can take advantage of the next market.

If you need help getting your credit where it needs to be, check out these videos.

Download this free credit checklist.

Or reach out with your credit or hard money questions at HardMoneyMike.com.

Happy Investing.